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On each image set you must choose (and click) correct monkey. One of six. Correct answer will increase your score, while wrong answer will decrease it (same amount). You can try only once (per each image set).
Here is easy (level 1) sample:
You can see that monkeys are different - they have different glasses (five "light blue" and one "no glasses") and mouth (all six are different - with tongue, with cigar, smiling, etc).
You must find what item/thing/visual is absolutely identical (same) on five monkeys, while one monkey have "this" different. And monkey that have "this" different is the correct answer. Read this twice. This is main and only winning rule.
On sample above "glasses" is key - monkeys #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6 have identical glasses, and monkey #4 is different (has no glasses). Monkey #4 is the answer.
Sample number two:
We see 3 different item/thing/visual types:
To find correct answer we need find 5 monkeys with absolutely identical items and 6-th monkey with different one. Mouth is key here, and monkey #5 is the answer.
Sample number three (try to guess yourself before reading answer):
What we have there?
To find correct answer we need find 5 monkeys with absolutely identical items and 6-th monkey with different one. Glasses is key here, and monkey #1 is the answer.
Once again: you must find item/thing/visual that is absolutely identical (same) on five monkeys, while one monkey have "this" different.
You almost ready to play, but I have several important notes for you:
Enough rules and manuals, RETURN TO GAME. Good luck.
Do you want to know why game called "Black Monkey"? Read about black sheep in wikipedia. If you speak Russian, you may read about белая ворона.
Version: yellow | Design by nobody | Programming by just_dmitry | Banano: Discord | Manual translated by just_dmitry#5828